sync of love.

why we running from the bullets?
just stop crying its the sign of the time.

a pieces lyrics from Harry Styles song's Sign of The Time.

this song remind of my own experiences which does not related to the meaning of this song,
well it just some love song that remind you of love.

everyone dreams of to be loved and to loves right?
but not everyone does really appreciated it.
appriciated the love when it was exactly under your own nose,
but start to worry when the love start to fade away.

how come a person can be so broken just by losing love,
yeah bet me, but a pure love do really hurt.
loving too much and you get hurt so much.
so why bother to even love.

however love is beyond,
its like a vagabond,
no one can hold it up,
cuz it will keep to blossom,
eventhough its hurt itself just by giving love yet still it gave an infinity love.

p/s : harry styles is pwetty

see ya >,<


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